
Like El Dorado or Atlantis, Exopotamia is a fictional place that evokes a distant land inviting promises and adventure.

It is Boris Vian who is at the origin of this word designating the desert region of his novel Autumn in Beijing , a story at the crossroads of the absurd and the poetic.

The word Exopotamia comes from the ancient Greek exo which means "out of", and potamós which means "river" or "river". The literal definition is therefore “out of the river”, which implies a movement that does not follow the current.

Éditions Exopotamie therefore draw their inspiration from these different sources to give their works a direction that lies on the side of poetry and inventiveness.

Like a desert, they embody a land promised to texts free to expand without obstacle, galloping and luminous, which do not follow the natural meaning of things but rather take parallel, unexpected paths, which push the reader to engage in any form of reflection – meditative or metaphysical –, as long as he does not stay on the side of the road.

Mélanie Cessiecq-Duprat.

Illustration by SASHA PES: www.instagram.com/sasha_pes/