A woman is an Indian on “Poetry/Premiere” by Martine Morillon-Carreau

"Because “a woman is different” and the “invisible and silent” Indian of Westerns represents the completely different, then of course, “A woman is an Indian”! The woman, like the Indian with a tragic destiny, “knows / that this world is coming to an end". Like him, she is "someone that no one has listened to". But, she, a woman, who "must know / sing her song of death", to start "dancing", adorned with "[s]her beautiful feathers, [her] bear teeth, [her] varnished shoes"!…

We see how, in Murièle Camac, who associates and interweaves lexical fields specific to both, the tragically victimized image of the Indian can refer to that of the woman. In the mirror of writing, courageous and sumptuous, the Indian reflects himself as a woman and vice versa. But also as a poet when, poetically, song and dance turn into oxymoronic metaphors of the “mother tongue, virile tongue”.

Murièle Camac questions here, with great originality – and not without cruel irony – the unenviable status of women in our societies: while the man (a beautiful object of, moreover, passionate female desire) can traditionally appear as the hero of an interesting story, her story – hers – has never promoted her to heroine!

“This world is not made for us,” insists the poet. Courageously however, if “The earth is not firm”, the speaker affirms that she must “continue to walk”. “Always further”, even towards “An impossible dream”! But, without any certainty of salvation! A terrible point of existential convergence, without a doubt too, with a male brother having integrated the “we”.”

Martine Morillon-Carreau

Article published on Poésie/Première in May 2022 (N°82)

Buy the book online: A woman is an Indian – Éditions Exopotamie