A woman is an Indian, by Murièle Camac, by Thierry Romagné

A review of Murièle Camac 's book, A woman is an Indian, published in the Revue Europe , by Thierry Romagné.
"Murièle Camac's style, limpid, sober in its effects, incisive if necessary, stands on a crest between prose and poetry. The short sentence is resolved in a very large majority of cases into verse but without research particular musicality. As a result, the writing goes straight to its goal. The statements draw from it a strength and, ultimately, evidence that hits the mark. It is the ideal style to relate this experience that she shares with us from chapter to chapter, like so many stages on the path that she has set for herself since, as she emphasizes, here it is not It’s not the man who leaves, it’s the woman.”
A woman is an Indian Murièle Camac
A woman is an Indian Murièle Camac