Podcast All About My Mother, by Lætitia Klotz

An extract from Julie Nakache 's book, The Blood of Girls , read by Laetitia Klotz .

All about my mother, The Blood of Girls, Julie Nakache

Tout Sur Ma Mère
, the podcast where girls talk about the woman behind their mother. And the link that unites or divides them.

Carried by the waves, season 2 arrives.

In its prologue, Aline and Lætitia look back on the first season, its encounters, its women's stories, the turning points that took place there. Season 2 brings with it a new foundation, an anchor and horizons which are revealed to you here. Don’t wait to discover them, in poetry.

An original podcast: All About My Mother
Production manager: Aline Febrissy
Sound recording, editing, voice: Lætitia Klotz
Soundtrack: Borrtex
Graphic charter: Soline Levesque
Texts: “The blood of girls” Julie Nakache, editions Exopotamie 2023

Link to the show:
All About My Mother | Prologue Season 2 | Ausha

Link to order Julie Nakache’s book:
Julie Nakache, The Blood of Girls – Éditions Exopotamie